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Standard Non-Tamperproof Torx®

We know it's hard to find Standard Torx¨ screws in stock. So we've added these non-tamperproof screws to our line. Available in pan-head sheet metal screws type AB. Uses standard Torx Tools.
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7.10AB112PS #10AB 1-1/2 18-8 SS
7.10AB114PS #10AB 1-1/4 18-8 SS
7.10AB12PS #10AB 1/2 18-8 SS
7.10AB1PS #10AB 1 18-8 SS
7.10AB34PS #10AB 3/4 18-8 SS
7.8AB114PS #8AB 1-1/4 18-8 SS
7.8AB12PS #8AB 1/2 18-8 SS
7.8AB1PS #8AB 1 18-8 SS
7.8AB34PS #8AB 3/4 18-8 SS
7B.T20 (Bit) T-20 N/A N/A
7B.T25 (Bit) T-25 N/A N/A